2022 Resolutions

Resolution #2022-110
Treasurer, Transfer of Excess Sale Proceeds to Idaho State Treasurer

Resolution #2022-109
Clerk, Elections, Records Destruction 

Resolution #2022-108
Road & Bridge, Unanticipated Revenue

Resolution #2022-106
Planning, Building Moratorium, Deannexed Lands Priest River

Resolution #2022-105
Budget Adjustment, Fair

Resolution #2022-104
Budget Adjustment, Self Insurance

Resolution #2022-103
Planning, File #AM0015-22

Resolution #2022-102
Emergency Management, Termination of Resolution #2022-93, Local Disaster Emergency

Resolution #2022-101
Road & Bridge, Unanticipated Revenue 

Resolution #2022-100
Clerk, Budget Transfer

Resolution #2022-99
Recreation, West Snowmobile Groomer Advisory Committee Member Appointment

Resolution #2022-98
Emergency Management, Appointment of Grant Administrator, #22SHSP017

Resolution #2022-97
Emergency Management, Appointment of Grant Administrator, #22EMPG017

Resolution #2022-96
Assistance, Board of Community Guardian Resignation 

Resolution #2022-95
Planning, File #VS0002-22

Resolution #2022-94
Planning, File #AM0011-22

Resolution #2022-93
Emergency Management, Local Disaster Emergency, Rocky Point Road  

Resolution #2022-92
Emergency Management, Unanticipated Revenue

Resolution #2022-91
Technology, Sole Source Procurement

Resolution #2022-90
Justice Services, Records Destruction 

Resolution #2022-89
Weeds, Records Destruction 

Resolution #2022-88
Planning, Right-of-Way Vacation, File #VS0002-22

Resolution #2022-87
Solid Waste, Unanticipated Revenue 

Resolution #2022-86
BOCC, EMS Advisory Council, Appointment of Members 

Resolution #2022-85
Sheriff, Budget Transfer, "C" to "B"

Resolution #2022-84
Road & Bridge, Budget Carryover, FY22 to FY23

Resolution #2022-83
EMS, Transfer of Vehicle, Facilities 

Resolution #2022-82
EMS, Transfer of Vehicle, Emergency Management 

Resolution #2022-81
Planning, Adopting Official Zoning District Replacement Map, File #AM0007-22

Resolution #2022-80
Clerk, Budget Transfer 

Resolution #2022-79
Assessor, Records Destruction 

Resolution #2022-78
Justice Services, Records Destruction

Resolution #2022-77
Clerk, Budget Adjustment, General Fund Statutory Reserve

Resolution #2022-76
Planning, Appointment of Member to Zoning Commission 

Resolution #2022-75
Planning, Appointment of Member to Planning Commission

Resolution #2022-74
Prosecutor, Budget Adjustment, Justice Fund Statutory Reserve

Resolution #2022-73
Planning, Bonner County Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment, File #AM0009-22

Resolution #2022-72
Sheriff, Budget Transfer, Jail "A" to "B"

Resolution #2022-71
Weeds, Surplus Vehicle, Transfer to Motor Pool

Resolution #2022-70
Planning, Adopting Official Fee Schedules, File #AM0014-22

Resolution #2022-69
Solid Waste, Surplus Equipment 

Resolution #2022-68
Planning, Unanticipated Revenue

Resolution #2022-67
GIS, Surplus Vehicle, Transfer to Weeds Department 

Resolution #2022-66
DMV, Administrative Fee Increase

Resolution #2022-65
Coroner, Budget Statutory Appropriation 

Resolution #2022-64
Clerk, FY23 Budget Adoption 

Resolution #2022-63
Emergency Management Unanticipated Revenue

Resolution #2022-62
GIS Budget Adjustment

Resolution #2022-61
Sheriff, Budget Transfer, Jail "A" To "B" 

Resolution #2022-60
Clerk, EMS, Unanticipated Revenue

Resolution #2022-59
Assessor, Vehicle Surplus (2)

Resolution #2022-58
Prosecutor's Office, V.A.S.T., Unanticipated Revenue

Resolution #2022-57
Solid Waste, Budget Adjustment 

Resolution #2022-56
Assistance, Repeal of #20-50, Non-medical Indigent Assistance 

Resolution #2022-55
Airports, ITD Division of Aeronautics Grant Acceptance

Resolution #2022-54
Emergency Management, Emergency Declaration, Southside Sewer & Water

Resolution #2022-53
Emergency Management, Wake Zone return to Normal

Resolution #2022-52
Planning, Hearing Examiner Appointment

Resolution #2022-51
Assistance, Policy for Payment of RX Medicines

Resolution #2022-50
Emergency Management, Emergency Wake Zone Increase

Resolution #2022-49
Planning, Adopting Official Fee Schedules, File #AM0008-22

Resolution #2022-48
Assistance, Repeal of Resolution #11-78, Care of Medically Indigent, Description and Delineation of Medical Services 

Resolution #2022-47
Elections, Records Destruction 

Resolution #2022-46
Planning, Projected Land Use Map Amendment, File #AM0005-22

Resolution #2022-45
Assistance, Re-Appointment of Two Members, Board of Community Guardian 

Resolution #2022-44
Recreation, Budget Adjustment

Resolution #2022-43
EMS, Ambulance Surplus 

Resolution #2022-42
Assistance, Board of Community Guardian Appointment

Resolution #2022-41
Planning File #AM0025-21

Resolution #2022-40
Planning File #AM003-22 

Resolution #2022-39
Zoning Commission Appointment

Resolution #2022-38
Sheriff's Office, Marine, Budget Adjustment

Resolution #2022-37
Treasurer, Destruction of Records 

Resolution #2022-36
Planning, Projected Land Use Map Amendment, File #AM0023-21

Resolution #2022-35
Prosecutor, Sole Source Procurement

Resolution #2022-34
Road & Bridge, Sole Source Procurement 

Resolution #2022-33
Solid Waste, Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Re-Appointment of Members

Resolution #2022-32
Clerk, Weeds, General Fund Statutory Reserve Appropriation 

Resolution #2022-31
Planning, Projected Land Use Map Amendment, File #AM0001-22

Resolution #2022-30
Emergency Management, Termination of Emergency Declaration

Resolution #2022-29
Planning, Full Surety Bond Release, File #S1930-17

Resolution #2022-28
Planning, Zoning Commissioner Appointments 

Resolution #2022-27
Planning, Planning Commission Appointments 

Resolution #2022-26
Recreation, Unanticipated Revenue

Resolution #2022-25
Treasurer, Transfer of Excess Funds, Idaho State Treasurer

Resolution #2022-24
Road & Bridge, Surplus Equipment and Vehicles 

Resolution #2022-23
Road & Bridge, Unanticipated Revenue

Resolution #2022-22
Clerk, Budget Adjustment, "A" to "B"

Resolution #2022-21
Planning, Right-Of-Way Vacation, File #VS0012-21

Resolution #2022-20
Justice Services, Budget Adjustment 

Resolution #2022-19
Planning, Camp Bay Right of Way Denial 

Resolution #2022-18
Recreation, Garfield Bay Campground Fee Increase

Resolution #2022-17
Emergency Management, Emergency Declaration, Little Blacktail Ranch Water District

Resolution #2022-16
Solid Waste, Bond Anticipation Note

Resolution #2022-15
Solid Waste, Revenue Bond 

Resolution #2022-14
Planning, File VS0009-21

Resolution #2022-13
Elections, 2022 Polling Places

Resolution #2022-12
Elections, Precincts

Resolution #2022-11
EMS, Records Retention Schedule

Resolution #2022-10
EMS Budget Carryover

Resolution #2022-09
BOCC, Arrowhead Ranch Water Association, Local Disaster Emergency 

Resolution #2022-08
Road & Bridge, Road Restrictions 

Resolution #2022-07
Assistance, Records Destruction

Resolution #2022-6
Justice Services, Unanticipated Revenue, Contracts

Resolution #2022-5
Justice Services, Unanticipated Revenue, Lottery Tax 

Resolution #2022-4
Justice Services, Unanticipated Revenue, Tobacco Tax

Resolution #2022-3
Planning, File AM0019-21

Resolution #2022-2

Resolution #2022-1
Elections, Records Destruction