Resolution #2023-105
Clerk/Payroll, Budget Transfer
Resolution #2023-104
Sheriff's Office, Repair Project Budget Carryover
Resolution #2023-103
Road & Bridge, Unanticipated Funds to FY24 "B" Budget
Resolution #2023-102
Road & Bridge, Unanticipated Funds to FY24 "B" Budget
Resolution #2023-101
Facilities, Capitol Construction Carryover Return Funds
Resolution #2023-100
Bonner County Board of Community Guardian Reappointment of Two Members
Resolution #2023-99
Recreation, Reappointment of Members to the Bonner County West Snowmobile Advisory Committee
Resolution #2023-98
Emergency Management, Appointing Emergency Management Performance Grant Administrator
Resolution #2023-97
Emergency Management, Emergency Management Performance Resolution Grant Acceptance
Resolution #2023-96
Emergency Management, Appointing Homeland Security Program Grant Administrator
Resolution #2023-95
Emergency Management, Homeland Security Program Grant Acceptance
Resolution #2023-94
Emergency Management, Termination of Resolution #2023-46
Resolution #2023-93
Planning, File #VS0004-22
Resolution #2023-92
Sheriff's Office Marine, Budget Carryover
Resolution #2023-91
Facilities Budget Transfer
Resolution #2023-90
Risk Management Budget Transfer
Resolution #2023-89
Weeds Records Destruction
Resolution #2023-88
Facilities Budget Carryover
Resolution #2023-87
Facilities Budget Transfer
Resolution #2023-86
Emergency Management, Surplus Equipment
Resolution #2023-85
Solid Waste, Capital Construction Carryover
Resolution #2023-84
Engineering, Spending Authority for EMS Station 1 Project
Resolution #2023-83
Planning, File #AM0012-23
Resolution #2023-82
Airport, Surface and Overhead Avigation Easement
Resolution #2023-81
Treasurer's Office, Transfer of Excess Sale Proceeds to the State Treasurer
Resolution #2023-80
Sheriff's Office, Retirement
Resolution #2023-79
Sheriff's Office, Retirement
Resolution #2023-78
Road and Bridge, Unanticipated Funds to FY24 "B" Budget
Resolution #2023-77
Road and Bridge, Budget Carryover to FY24 "B" Budget, Grant County Match
Resolution #2023-76
Road and Bridge, Budget Carryover to FY24 "B" Budget, Guardrail
Resolution #2023-75
Road and Bridge, Budget Carryover to FY24 "B" Budget, Plant Asphalt Mix
Resolution #2023-74
Road and Bridge, Unanticipated Funds to FY24 "B" Budget
Resolution #2023-73
Assessor, Surplus Equipment
Resolution #2023-72
Planning, File #AM0010-23
Resolution #2023-71
Sheriff, Jail, Budget Transfer
Resolution #2023-70
Solid Waste, Unanticipated Revenue
Resolution #2023-69
Prosecutor, Unanticipated Revenues for VAST
Resolution #2023-68
EMS, Unscheduled Revenue
Resolution #2023-67
Prosecutor, Budget Adjustment
Resolution #2023-66
Emergency Management, Grant Administrator
Resolution #2023-65
Facilities, Transfer Ford Truck to Sheriff's Office
Resolution #2023-64
Emergency Management, Declaration of a Local Disaster Emergency
Resolution #2023-63
Clerk, Adoption of the Bonner County & Ambulance District Budgets for FY2023-2024
Resolution #2023-60
Facilities, Surplus Ford Truck to Auction
Resolution #2023-59
Emergency Management, Termination of Resolution #2023-46
Resolution #2023-58
Planning, File #AM0009-23
Resolution #2023-57
Clerk, Payroll, Destruction of Records
Resolution #2023-56
Clerk, Elections, Destruction of Records
Resolution #2023-55
Clerk, Recording, Destruction of Records
Resolution #2023-54
Road and Bridge, Unanticipated Revenue
Resolution #2023-53
Road and Bridge, Unanticipated Revenue
Resolution #2023-52
Road and Bridge, A to B Budget Transfer
Resolution #2023-51
Solid Waste, Sticker Fee Increase
Resolution #2023-50
Justice Services, Surplus Cargo Trailer To Emergency Management
Resolution #2023-49
Justice Services, Surplus Ford Van To Auction
Resolution #2023-48
Prosecutor, Records Destruction
Resolution #2023-47
Facilities, Property Surplus
Resolution #2023-46
Emergency Management, Declaration of a Local Disaster Emergency
Resolution #2023-45
DMV, Increase to Title Fees
Resolution #2023-44
BOCC, Waterways Advisory Committee Appointments
Resolution #2023-43
BOCC, Solid Waste Advisory Committee Re-Appointment
Resolution #2023-42
Planning, File AM0008-23
Resolution #2023-41
Planning, File #AM0006-23
Resolution #2023-40
Road & Bridge, Budget Adjustment
Resolution #2023-39
Risk Management Budget Adjustment
Resolution #2023-38
Planning, Deannexed property Moratorium Repeal
Resolution #2023-37
BOCC, Waterways Advisory Committee Re-appointments
Resolution #2023-36
BOCC, Re-designation of Bonner County Real Property at the Bonner County Readiness Center
Resolution #2023-35
Planning, Right-of-Way Vacation, File #VS0001-23
Resolution #2023-34
Planning, Comprehensive Plan Projected Land Use Map Amendment, File #AM0007-23
Resolution #2023-33
Waterways, Unanticipated Revenue
Resolution #2023-32
Prosecutor, VAST, Unanticipated Revenue
Resolution #2023-31
Bonner County Natural Resources Committee Appoints/Reappointments
Resolution #2023-30
Fairboard Appointments
Resolution #2023-29
Planning, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Population & Public Airport Facilities
Resolution #2023-28
Road & Bridge, Spending Authority Increase
Resolution #2023-27
Recreation, Priest Lake Groomers, Budget Adjustment
Resolution #2023-26
Treasurer, Destruction of Records
Resolution #2023-25
Motor Pool, Surplus of Vehicle
Resolution #2023-24
Clerk, Elections, Designation of Polling Places by Precinct
Resolution #2023-23
Planning, Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, File #AM0019-22
Resolution #2023-22
Zoning Commission Appointment
Resolution #2023-21
Planning Commission Appointment
Resolution #2023-20
BOCC, Fair Board, Re-Appointment of Member
Resolution #2023-19
Airport, Priest River, ITD Grant Offer for Taxilane and Apron Design
Resolution #2023-18
Justice Services, Unanticipated Revenue, Detention Contracts
Resolution #2023-17
Justice Services, Unanticipated Revenue, Lottery Tax
Resolution #2023-16
Clerk, Budget Transfer, Waterways
Resolution #2023-15
Planning, Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, File #AM0018-22
Resolution #2023-14
Planning, Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, File #AM0017-22
Resolution #2023-13
Treasurer, Designation of Approved Depositories
Resolution #2023-12
Justice Services, Unanticipated Revenue
Resolution #2023-11
Planning, File #VS0003-22
Resolution #2023-10
DMV, Records Destruction
Resolution #2023-09
Planning, Appointment of Member to Planning Commission
Resolution #2023-08
Justice Services, Destruction of Records
Resolution #2023-07
Justice Services, Destruction of Records
Resolution #2023-06
Justice Services, Destruction of Records
Resolution #2023-05
Public Defender - Appointment
Resolution #2023-04
Assistance - Record's Destruction
Resolution #2023-3
Elections - Precinct Designation
Resolution #2023-02
Road & Bridge, 2023 Road Restrictions
Resolution #2023-01
Facilities, Surplus Vehicle, Transfer to Motor Pool