General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 888-960-4885
Emergencies: Dial 911
215 South First Avenue

Drug Court

Drug Court Coordinator Marilyn Miller (208) 265-1448
Assistant Drug Court Coordinator Tori Cavender (208) 255-3630 ext. 2150

Mission Statement

  • Improve the quality of life in our community by reducing abuse of alcohol, drugs and related crimes by targeting substance-abusing offenders through a combined program of intensive outpatient treatment, close monitoring and appropriate sanctions and incentives.

Purpose of the Drug Court

  • The intent of the Drug Court program is to provide a system of treatment and accountability for substance abusing/addicted offenders in order to break the cycle of substance abuse/addiction and incarceration.

The Court recognizes the problem of alcohol and drug abuse/addiction in that the use and abuse of these substances is a major contributing factor in the commission of crimes which are a threat to public safety, prison overcrowding and congestion of the criminal court docket.

The establishment of the Drug Court program recognizes the need to incorporate substance abuse treatment where appropriate with criminal case processing in a timely and efficient manner.

The purpose of the Drug Court program is to provide a treatment-based alternative to incarceration for non-violent criminals to the end that participants will lead crime-free lives.

Bonner County Drug Court

  • Drug Court is a post-conviction 18 month program for persons who have a drug and/or alcohol problem, are convicted of a criminal offense and meet eligibility requirements.

Bonner County Drug Court Guide

For more information regarding Drug Courts; go to the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) .

Resident Judges
District Court Judge – Lamont Berecz

District Court Judge - Susie Jensen

Magistrate Judge – Tera Harden

Magistrate Judge – Lori Meulenberg

Visiting and Senior Judges
Senior Judge - Debra Heise

Magistrate Judge – Justin W. Julian

Clerk of the Court
Michael W. Rosedale

Director, Court Operations
Charlene Krames