Our mission is to provide excellent customer service while serving the citizens of Bonner County and performing all duties impartially and efficiently. The Treasurer is responsible for the safekeeping and investment of public funds. The Treasurer serves as ex officio tax collector, responsible for the collection of property taxes levied by the taxing districts, including cities and schools. The Treasurer also serves as the public administrator, responsible for administering the estates of decedents when there is no known heir or will. Our office is dedicated to serving the public with integrity, accountability, accuracy and respect.
Our goal and vision is to embrace innovative solutions to better serve the taxpayers of Bonner County while promoting accountability, fiscal responsibility, and transparency.
Treasurer's Staff
Clorrisa, Vana, Tiffiny, Nydel, Cristina & Emily
The county treasurer is the ex officio tax collector and public administrator (Idaho Code 31-2102).
Treasurer - Receive all moneys belonging to the county, and all other moneys by law directed to be paid to him, safely keep the same, and apply and pay them out, rendering account there of as required by law.
Tax Collector - The county treasurer is the ex officio tax collector with duties relating to the collection of tax revenue as prescribed in title 63, Idaho Code.
Public Administrator - The county treasurer is ex officio public administrator of estates and decedents who resided in the county at the time of death when there is no known heir or will.
Clorrisa is a North Idaho native born and raised in Bonner County. Clorrisa started her career with Bonner county in January of 1993 in the Treasurer's Office where she worked until May of 2016 when she accepted a position with the Bonner County Auditor as a staff accountant. This experience has given her the opportunity to learn all functions of how the Treasurer's Office runs and county finance as a whole. Clorrisa was elected the Bonner County Treasurer in November 2022.
"I love living in this area and being a part of the community. I am grateful and proud to have the opportunity to serve the Taxpayers of Bonner County.