Casualty Loss Exemption


Pursuant to Idaho Code 63-602X real and personal property which has been damaged by an event such as fire that causes a casualty loss to all or a portion of the property may qualify for a casualty loss exemption.  The county board of equalization shall decide whether to grant such claim for exemption on or before the second Monday of July of the year in which the claim is filed. If granted, either in whole or in part, the county board of equalization shall order all necessary adjustments made in the property roll.

Claimants seeking exemption must apply to the county board of equalization. The application must be in writing on a form provided by the county and must identify the claimant, the date of the casualty loss, and the property that has been damaged or destroyed. The application must be filed on or before the end of the county’s normal business hours on the fourth Monday of June of the year in which the casualty loss occurred. If an exemption is granted, the value of the property subject to taxation shall be calculated by dividing the number of days in the year prior to the casualty loss by the number of days in the year and multiplying the resulting quotient by the market value of the property less any applicable exemptions, as of 12:01 a.m. on the first day of January of the tax year. The county board of equalization shall decide whether to grant such claim for exemption on or before the second Monday of July of the year in which the claim is filed. If granted, either in whole or in part, the county board of equalization shall order all necessary adjustments made in the property roll.

Please Contact our Office for more information: Phone (208) 265-1440