General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 208-263-1899
Emergencies: Dial 911
4002 Samuelson Avenue

Community Service & The Plant House

 Community Service  is a  supervised work program  provided by Justice Services for adults and juveniles placed on supervised probation.

 The Work In Lieu of Detention Program (W.I.L.D.)  is also administered through Community Services.  The intent of this program is to provide the Court with a sentencing alternative that avoids placement of a juvenile in the detention center.  The program is utilized when the Court considers a two to ten day sentence of detention for adjudicated juvenile offenders.  The youth will be ordered to serve time in the WILD Program instead of detention, and the hours will be assigned at a ratio of one day in the WILD Program for every two days of detention.  This ratio will provide the juvenile with an incentive to complete the WILD Program.  If the youth fails to complete the program for any reason, he/she will be ordered to serve his/her entire corresponding detention sentence regardless of the number of hours already completed in the WILD Program.   This provides the juvenile with further incentive to complete the program once he/she has begun accumulating WILD hours.  Even though juveniles will be required to perform intensive labor, the program’s components  make WILD an attractive alternative to serving time in detention.

 *Supervised Community Service Areas

Bonner County Fairgrounds
Sandpoint Parks & City Beach
Sandpoint Senior Center
Panhandle Animal Shelter

Friends of the Shelter Thrift Store
Mickinnick Trail

All community service provided through Justice Services is supervised by the Community Service Officer for persons placed on supervised probation.  If you are on unsupervised probation and required to perform community service, contact the courthouse.

 The Plant House  was established by Justice Services in 2002.  The Plant House hires a juvenile to run and operate the day-to-day function of the business.  The kids in the program not only gain an understanding of what a good work ethic is, but are able to demonstrate it. They are responsible for the manufacture and sale of the wood products and also do the inventory and bookkeeping for the program.  Since the beginning of the program in 2002, we have employed 29 juveniles and collected over $21,000.00.

Please contact our Community Service Officer directly if you are interested in products produced by The Plant House.

Gabe Ealy, Community Service Officer 
(208) 263-1602, ext. 2201