Road and Bridge Department

The Bonner County Road and Bridge Department is responsible for the maintenance and construction of 679 miles of County roads. 286 miles of hard surface and 393 miles of gravel roads are plowed and sanded during the winter season.  The 3 road districts apply road stabilization material (dust abatement) to over 200 miles of gravel road and chip seal 50 miles of pavement each year.

Our Goals

The Road and Bridge Department is committed to serving the residents and visitors of the County to the best of their ability and resources. From the office personnel to the crew members in the field, our goal is to make the roads of Bonner County safe and acceptable for all who travel upon them.

If you have a comment, complaint or concern then please click below to submit a work order form:

Public Request for Road Maintenance Form

Ordinances and Road Standards

Bonner County Revised Code - Title 2 and Title 13

Bonner County Roads Standards Manual Version 2.1 - 2019.

Seasonal Information

Dust Abatement and Road Stabilization Policy

Winter Maintenance Guide

Weight Limits Information

Weight Limits


Link to Maps

Bonner County Official Highway Map 2023

Bonner County Official Highway Map

Sandpoint Urban Area Transportation Plan

Sandpoint Urban Area Transportation Plan - UATP